Monday, March 05, 2007

Who eats all the stuff you make?

I get asked this question occasionally from friends who've seen the site. Sometimes it's me and Lorrie. More often than not though, it's Lorrie's coworkers. They get many of the bars, cookies, muffins, and candies I make. Some of the things were made specifically to celebrate some achievement at work for Lorrie, like the orange cookies in the picture. Others were just recipes I wanted to try or an item I needed to make for another site, like the heart cake.
Don't get me wrong, Lorrie and I get our share but neither of us want 2 dozen cookies sitting around just begging to be eaten!

But there is an additional benefit for me. Feedback. How things taste, how they look, etc., I hear what they liked and what they didn't. I can't do better without it.

Thank you. It really is appreciated.


Unknown said...

LOL, I've been eating the stuff I make (except for the holiday truffles, which I gave away), which is why I amnow on the South Beach Diet.

Anonymous said...

I give most of what I make away, either to the kids but more frequently to co-workers since my kids can be a little picky about some recipes (cookies, even!). I've been known to make batches of things and nearly forget to even try one.

Freya said...

I don't do much baking because there's only the two of us, although since Paul started his new job, his work colleagues are more than happy to be taste testers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul! I love your site and was wondering if you could come up with some creative ideas for rice krispie squares. I love them but find them bland. What have you done to spice them up? Thanks!

Paul said...

Mimi, Brian, Freya, I'm thinking that this is something we should have on our resumes "I'm a food blogger at [your site here] so I usually bring in lots of treats for coworkers..."

Gloria, thank you for reading! My sister agrees with you about the Rice Krispie treats. I'll see what I can do coming up.